Thursday, November 18, 2010

how long ur fairy tale will last???

When i looked at the sticker,i just realize that my relationship wif my- bFturnedfiance- is just almost 2 years and i felt it was quite a very short tyme to get knowing each other as compared to other b2b(ader tuh dh knal 8 years sehh....sgt lamerrrr!!)..I cannot expect the things to go smoothly because we still in adjusting mode to share everything.that's why there are so many miscommunication btween us along this journey and kekadang smpai nk hantuk kepala ke dinding pon ader..haha...

ok.dh malas nk berletey sbnarnyer tapi now I always being negative in many thing..tunang sayer ckp syaiton slalu ader kat telinga sayer..tapi the truth is mmg btul..sayer dah mula memikirkan byak benda .cthnya seperti...

mcm maner lpas kawen suami sayer pukul sayer?
kat maner sayer nk lari kalo sayer tak puas hati dgn dier?
ape yg sayer nk baling kalo gaduhhh?hahaha..okey..tuh tipu..sayer tak pk pon mende tuh

yg sayer pk ...hanya yg common...byakla if kat depan..contohnyer..

if he doesnt like me anymore,could i survive alone?
if we keep quarrel and fighting oh on many things,is there anything chances to get back together?
if we got bored wif each other,how to make it less apparent? n so many thing becoz we could not predict the future n somehow i think marriage is definitely a gamble to women..

tapi belum cuba blum taw kan?so hadapilah dgn senyuman..takkan la kiter tak beli kereta sbb takut eksiden?takkan la kiter tak mo naik kapal tebangg sbb takut terhempas di lautan?takkan la kiter tak mo naik haji sbb takut kna henyak oleh org2 ketika di mekah?????(mode aidiladha la konon2 nih>>>) adalah antara hujah2 sayer yg diberikan kepada enchek tunang yg sgt takut nk kawen dgn sayer!!!..see,,sape pengantin perempuan di sini???hahaha..dier yg cuak lebey2 skrg..susah2...naseb baik sayer mmg org yg bukan jnis pk banyak seperti dia..thanks god he found me.:)


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